Romanian Space Agency – ROSA

The Romanian Space Agency (ROSA) is the coordinator of Romania’s national and international space activities. The Romanian Space Agency (ROSA) is a public institution entirely self-funded, operating under Government Decision no. 923/20.11.1995 and the subsequent decisions of the Ministry of Research and Innovation – National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation (A.N.C.S.I.).

The mission of the Romanian Space Agency has four major components:

  1. to coordinate national space research and applications programs
  2. to promote space development in Romania
  3. to represent the Romanian Government in international space cooperation programmes
  4. to research space related issues at the ROSA Research Center

As a coordinator of national space research and applications programme, ROSA designs and coordinates the implementation of the National Space Programme. Following its objectives, the Agency is authorised to establish research and development centers.

Contact: Ulpia Botezatu

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