Horizon Europe Security Appraisal Process
Horizon Europe Security Appraisal Process
Date: 22.10.2024
Where: online
Time: 14:30 – 16:30 CET
SEREN5 is pleased to announce that it is hosting its next on-line stakeholder training event entitled, ‘Horizon Europe Security Appraisal Process’ in collaboration with the European Commission’s Department DG HOME.  It forms part of a series of SEREN5 training sessions, which aims to raise the standards of learning and knowledge for its stakeholders, which in turn contributes to improving the quality of Horizon Europe proposals.
Agenda and more details here.
EARTO Policy Event and Innovation Awards 2024

EARTO is organising its Policy Event and Innovation Awards Ceremony, taking place on 23 October 2024.

The 11th edition of EARTO Policy Event will feature a number of high-profile speakers, including Mr Timo Pesonen, Director General of the Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS).

Keynote speeches on “Geopolitics & Technology – What are the Implications for EU Com- petitiveness and the Role, DG Research & Innovation, European Commission, Winners’ Announcement by EARTO President François Jacq.

The 16th edition of the EARTO Innovation Awards Ceremony will present a wide range of RTOs’ work through two categories of innovations: “Impact Delivered” and “Impact Expected”.

Registration is available on the EARTO October Events’ website

Disaster Research Days 2024 in Vienna – CERIS Event

Next Disaster Research Days will be held in Vienna on 8-10 October 2024 with a focus on Shaping the Future of Science and Research for Disaster Risk Reduction as DG Home announced.

The aim is to foster interaction among science and research and disaster risk reduction policies, through dialogues involving scientists, practitioners, risk managers, policymak- ers, and local communities. The event will showcase the latest research findings and innovative solutions aimed at enhancing societal resilience. Participants will engage in knowledge-sharing, tool development, and strategy formulation, addressing the multi- faceted challenges of disaster risk reduction. It will serve as a crucial platform for fos- tering collaboration, strengthening partnerships, and driving forward the integrated ap- proaches essential for effective disaster risk mitigation and management.

Disaster Research Days 2024 is a joint event by CERIS and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction’s European Science and Technology Advisory Group (E-STAG). It will be co-hosted by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance, the Austrian Federal Min- istry of Science, Research and Education and the Disaster Competence Network Austria.

Additional information about CERIS events as well as the link to the registration page, please register under the CERIS mailing list here.

28.06.2024 on line
Cluster 3 “Civil Security for Society” proposals and the effective contribution of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
The event addresses all those who want to apply at the 10 topics of the Cluster 3 Work programme (deadline on November 2024) that requires the effective contribution of SSH disciplines and the involvement of SSH experts, institutions as well as the inclusion of relevant SSH expertise, in order to produce meaningful and significant effects enhancing the societal impact of the related research/innovation activities (see them in the attached file).
The event will offer information on
  • which kind of contribution the SSH experts can bring in the proposals,
  • how to create an effective collaboration in the interdisciplinary team
  • success stories of Cluster 3 interdisciplinary project.
The online event is organised by SEREN5, the international network of Horizon Europe Cluster 3 NCPs (‘Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society) and Net4Society, the international network of Horizon Europe Cluster 2 NCPs (‘Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society’).
12-13 June 2024
Horizon Europe Cluster 3 Info-day and Brokerage Event

The event will take place in Brussels and online (in live streaming) on the 12-13 June 2024.
This international information-day event will highlight research topics covered within the 2024 calls for proposals in Cluster 3. Participants will also have the possibility to join a matchmaking event dedicated to the topics of the 2024 Cluster 3 calls.

The event will comprise the following sessions:
Day 1 (12 June 2024): Presentation of Cluster 3 2024 funding opportunities (hybrid participation)
Day 2 (13 June 2024): Training for stakeholders (hybrid participation), Pitch Session (only on site participation), Brokerage Event (on site participation)

Please note that onsite event in Brussels can accommodate only 180 people.
All the information and instructions for the registration are here: Security Research Map – Cluster 3 Infoday & Brokerage Event 12-13.06.2024 (b2match.io)

17Th May 2024
Pitch Training Session

Date:  17Th May 2024
Time: 14:30 CEST
Duration: 1 Hour

• Are you a security stakeholder from a Horizon Europe widening country interested in applying in the upcoming Civil Security for Society calls this year?
• Will you being attending in the upcoming security events of SMi2G (May) and EC Official Info day on Cluster 3 (June)?
• Are you going to present your project idea as a coordinator or partner in the pitch sessions of these events?
• Would like to have an insight on the Pitch Presentation Template of the CL3 Info Days?

Then, do not miss out on the Pitch Training Session organised by Seren5 to support pitch presenters at these events? Training will be held on ZOOM.

The online event will be held on the 17th of May 2024 at 14:30 CEST, register in the following link to receive the Zoom link closer to date.


Register Here!!

22nd March 2024
Horizon Europe Cluster 3 (2024 Work Programme) - Paving the way to participation
On 27th June 2024, the 2024 Calls of Cluster 3 Civil Security for Society will open. For this reason, this online event aims at triggering the attention of potential applicants over the funding opportunities of Cluster 3 (already available here) and available tools for collaboration.


The online event will be held on the 22nd March 2024.
Collaborative projects represent a key occasion for companies, researchers, SMEs, practitioners etc. to make great use of their innovative potential and to collaborate with international partners. While welcoming all stakeholders, the event is targeting SMEs and practitioners, as they are key in supporting innovation uptake of the project’s results. The discussions will be divided into 2 Panels dedicated to successful innovators and practitioners, who successfully participated in Cluster 3 proposals.


The event is also designed to present the main priorities linked to the 2024 Work Programme and to give participants the chance to gather information on how to approach a Topic and build a consortium in Cluster 3 before the official Cluster 3 Info Days in June 2024.
Register here for the event “Horizon Europe Cluster 3 (2024 Work Programme) – Cluster 3: Paving the way to participation”: forms.office.com/e/ap6CHXeDfK
You can find here the agenda.
22 & 23 May
SMI2G - Security Mission Information & Innovation Group Event 2024

The SMI2G brokerage event gathers European-wide innovators and practitioners who are looking for further consortium partners by presenting game-changing ideas and novel technologies addressing the challenges of the  Horizon Europe’s Civil Security for Society 2023-2024 Work Programme.

Register for this event.

30th April 2024
Secure Societies 2024: Horizon Europe Cluster 3 Brokerage Event” in Istanbul on 30th April 2024

This event is designed to bring together key stakeholders from EU Member States and Associated Countries in Istanbul,  fostering collaboration among stakeholders active in civil security research on a large scale. Participants will not only gain valuable insights into the Horizon Europe Civil Security for Society 2024 Calls but will also have the opportunity to form consortia and engage in face-to-face networking.

More details at: https://www.b2match.com/e/horizon-europe-2024-secure-societies.

27th February 2024 - 1st March 2024

In the frame of SICUR 2024 (International Security Exhibition –https://www.ifema.es/en/sicur), which will take place at IFEMA-MADRID (Spain) from the 27th February 2024 to the 1st March 2024, the Spanish delegation in Cluster 3 Horizon Europe “Civil security for society) will organize a series of activities.


We encourage different Security stakeholders interested in Cluster 3 calls, industry, academia, Research and technology organizations, public R&D centers and Security end-users to participate in these activities specially conceived to enhance information exchange and to facilitate proposal preparation under 2024 Cluster 3 call.


The event organizers would like to welcome, as special invited country, Türkiye, in the frame of a EU Study visit to Spain. Therefore, diverse Turkish entities will participate in the event to reinforce collaboration in 2024 call and to enhance networking.


Moreover, the European Commission, and more specifically DG HOME, will be represented during the event.


The event will exclusively be a physical meeting. It is mandatory to register through the following links to ensure the access to the event (don’t forget to register through both links in order to ensure you can access the event):


IFEMA LINK: https://www.ifema.es/en/sicur/tickets

Invitation voucher: FOROSICUR_CDTI_SC24


CDTI INNOVACIÓN link: https://forms.office.com/e/VXRNCKuw5V

20 and 21 March 2024
European Research and Innovation Days 2024
The European Commission’s annual flagship research and innovation event brings together policymakers, researchers, stakeholders, and the public to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond through key policy debates, funding and networking opportunities, and dedicated workshops.
This fifth edition will take place during the European Research and Innovation Week on 20 and 21 March 2024, both in Tour and Taxis (Brussels) and online, allowing everyone to get involved from anywhere.
This year’s EU R&I Days will give you the opportunity to debate how we can make Europe greener, fairer and more competitive under a common narrative: a 40-years journey through the Research and Innovation Framework Programmes.
22 & 23 May
The largest brokerage event in Cluster3 of Horizon Europe will take place once again in Paris, on 22 & 23 May. Join SMI2G for an excellent opportunity to discuss European Security Research topics, find proposal partners, pitch a project idea, and grow your professional network.
Registration and agenda will be available shortly.
05 October 2023
Horizon Implementations Days

The European Commission has recently launched the ’Horizon Implementation Days’. Three thematic events open to all potential applicants to Horizon Europe are planned, covering submission and evaluation, grant agreement preparation, and amendment and reporting respectively.

The first event of the series 2023 will take place on 5 October (on line) and will be dedicated to finding opportunities and submitting a proposal.

For more information and registration: link

14 September 2023
Association to Horizon Europe - Information Webinar

The webinar is organized by InnovateUK and it’s aimed to provide all the information related to the announcement made by the European Commission on the 7th September 2023 about the association of UK to Horizon Europe.

The webinar will take place on the 14th Sept. at 15:00 CET. This webinar will be recorded and will be made available via the Horizon Europe Hub webpage shortly afterwards.

For further information: Summary – Association to Horizon Europe – Information Webinar (cvent.com)

27-28 June 2023
Horizon Europe Cluster 3 Info Day and Brokerage Event

The Horizon Europe Cluster 3 Info Day and Brokerage event will take place on 27-28 June 2023 in the form of an hybrid event: both in Brussels and streamed on line.

The event is organized SEREN5, in close cooperation with the European Commission’s Directorate-General Migration and Home Affairs and the European Research Executive Agency.

The Info Day will highlight research topics covered within the 2023 calls for proposals in Cluster 3. Participants will also have the possibility to find new partners thanks to the Brokerage event organized for the 28th of June and to present their project ideas during the Pitch session on the same day. Furthermore, SEREN5 organizes a Training for Stakeholders on the “Proposal Preparation and How do build a Consortium”.
The Horizon Europe “Civil Security for Society” calls offer research and innovation funding opportunities to research institutions, universities, industries, SMEs, civil society organizations and other security stakeholders.


Date: 27-28 June 2023
Detailed info & Registration here: cluster3-infoday-brokerage-event.b2match.io
Target group: EC
Place: Brussels
Target group: Security stakeholders, potential applicants in Cluster 3 Calls

17th, 18th and 19th of May 2023
FEINDEF 2023 Defence & Security Brokerage Event

This matchmaking event brings together SMEs, larger companies, government officials, research centers and other relevant institutions from the sectors of Defence and Security in a large number of European countries. This is a unique opportunity to generate new business or strategic contacts and foster technological cooperation in such a specific field of activity.

During this Brokerage, meetings will take place in a dedicated area in IFEMA and will be arranged in advance by means of this website. Participants will be given the possibility to arrange online meetings in order to foster international cooperation amongst key players.

The Brokerage Event FEINDEF 2023 will be celebrated in the framework of the FEINDEF Conference which will take place on the 17th, 18th and 19th of May 2023 in IFEMA Madrid (Spain). 

Furthermore, an Information Day on Horizon Europe Cluster 3 calls for proposals – Civil Security for Society  will be held in collaboration with CDTI on the 17th May onsite.

Further information: FEINDEF 2023 Defence & Security Brokerage Event – Home (b2match.io)

June 15th 2022

How can European intelligence and law enforcement activities be enhanced or hampered by existing and emerging technologies?

The 1st NOTIONES Conference: Emerging Technologies for law enforcement and intelligence services, which will take place in Brussels at Stanhope Hotel on June 15th 2022, from  9:00 to17:00 CET, aims to answer this crucial question by deepening the understanding of existing and emerging technologies in the intelligence and law enforcement fields. Intelligence and security practitioners, policymakers, academics and industry are invited. The programme includes a keynote speech, NOTIONES project presentations and a panel discussion. Participants will also be able to attend sessions and workshops during the conference.

Deadline to register June 2nd

To register please click here

20th March 2023
ECSO Launches New SOC/CTI Initiative

Date: 20th March 2023
Target group: ECSO

16th March 2023
European Commission provides Member States EUR 10.7 billion in migration, border management, and security

Date: 16th March 2023
Target group: EC

23rd March, 10 - 17:00
CERIS seminar on Artificial Intelligence for security purposes, maximising benefits and reducing risks
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash



Date: 23rd March, 10 – 17:00
Target group: Policy-makers, first responders, researchers and industry
Place: Brussels – only in presence

9th March, 10 - 17:00
CERIS Workshop on Piloting and Validation of Innovative Border Management Solutions


Date: 9th March, 10 – 17:00
Target group: Policy-makers, first responders, researchers and industry
Place: Brussels

24 October - 25 October
Security Research Event (SRE)

• Two days of Conferences with thematic sessions;
• Exhibition presenting projects, their achievements, and small-scale demonstrations;
• The Security Innovation Award Ceremony.

Organized by EC, DGHOME”
Date: 24 October – 25 October 2023
Target group: Policy-makers, first responders, researchers and industry
Place: Brussels, Square Brussels Convention Centre

10 May 2023 08:30
11 May 2023 17:00 CEST
Brokerage Event

The Security Mission and Information Group (SMI2G) 2023

Date(s)/duration: 10 May 2023 08:30 – 11 May 2023 17:00 CEST
Target group: Stakeholders
Place: Paris, France