European Commission provides Member States EUR 10.7 billion in migration, border management, and security


The European Commission will increase the financial support to address current challenges in migration border management, and security with an allocation of EUR 10.7 billion from 2021 to 2027.

The financial capacity will supply three different tools: 

  • The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), which has a budget of €5.8 billion, aims to develop a common European asylum system by promoting the mobility of legal migrants towards the EU and the integration and inclusion of non-EU nationals. Last but not least, it aims at addressing irregular migration patterns, ensuring the return and readmission process, and strengthening solidarity and responsibility among Member States.
  • The Internal Security Fund (ISF), with EUR 1.1 billion budget, aims at improving information exchange and cross-border collaboration in preventing and combating terrorism, radicalisation, serious and organised crime and cybercrime. This will include supporting the consistent application of EU law, as well as learning from each other and exchanging best practices on internal security.

For more information read the full article here

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