Horizon Europe Cluster 3 Info Day and Brokerage Event

The Horizon Europe Cluster 3 Info Day and Brokerage event will take place on 27-28 June 2023 in the form of an hybrid event: both in Brussels and streamed on line.

The event is organized SEREN5, in close cooperation with the European Commission’s Directorate-General Migration and Home Affairs and the European Research Executive Agency.

The Info Day will highlight research topics covered within the 2023 calls for proposals in Cluster 3. Participants will also have the possibility to find new partners thanks to the Brokerage event organized for the 28th of June and to present their project ideas during the Pitch session on the same day. Furthermore, SEREN5 organizes a Training for Stakeholders on the “Proposal Preparation and How do build a Consortium”.
The Horizon Europe “Civil Security for Society” calls offer research and innovation funding opportunities to research institutions, universities, industries, SMEs, civil society organizations and other security stakeholders.


Date: 27-28 June 2023
Detailed info & Registration here: cluster3-infoday-brokerage-event.b2match.io
Target group: EC
Place: Brussels
Target group: Security stakeholders, potential applicants in Cluster 3 Calls

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